Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Painting for Aris... :) Hope you like it

Noah's 1st snowman : pine cone nose of course

Noah and I found these wild turkey tracks in the driveway


  1. Gina it's beautiful! I love it! and how I wish I could always protect them. I'm teary, what a special painting. I am going to go spend time with them right now.
    Thank you Gina, you couldn't possibly know how perfect it is.
    Tell Noah I adore his snowman(:

  2. Aris, I'm so glad... there is the dilemma of deciding who is who of course... Maybe they can choose? :) Noah is delighted his snowman has won your heart :) You wouldn't want to see what became of him after this past snow/sleet storm- I'll spare you the anguish!
