Saturday, June 5, 2010


Hanna has asked me to host this week's weekword. Thank you Hanna for the opportunity! Hopefully I am not breaking the rules here but I thought I might post the weekword a bit early to give people a little more time to ruminate and hopefully join in (including myself). Summer is a busy time. Enjoy it and don't forget to take a little of that time for yourselves and those who are near and dear.

Please post a comment if you would like to join in and I will link to you on Friday. Also, if you would like to host next week, Say "I".

WeekWORD- Transparent


  1. I will play. Good choice! b.

  2. I´m in! Interesting word! And I would like to be the host next week, so: I!

  3. Great ! I will post a link to you as host for next week Elisabeth. ---

    Those of you who are playing, could you also link to Elisabeth and tell everyone who visits your blogs that she is the next host? Thanks in advance!

  4. great word Gina! I'm in.
    hoping you are having a great week xo
