Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week word- Lacuna

Week word- LACUNA (so sorry I am late, busy holiday week!)
-an unfilled space or interval; a gap
-a cavity or depression, especially in a bone.
- a missing portion in a book or manuscript

I love the derivatives of this word and how they sound-

lacunal- adj.
lacunate- adj.
There is something about an unfilled space that often calls for filling it in...

or constructing it to do so...

sometimes Lacunae? Lacunas? are cozy and fun

sometimes essential...

they can feel safe....

they can protect...

sustain life....

become remnants....

There is something beautiful, maternal or womblike even, about this word (to me... it is the way I want to see/feel/interpret it.) Thank you Carmen for a great word.

Please see visit Carmen @ Tails of a Biomouse to see more Week worders' interpretations of LACUNA . Join in on the the weekly word yourself by visiting the blog of the next host of weekword (who will be revealed on Carmen's blog) Week Word is announced on Mondays. More people playing = more inspiration. :)


  1. Hi Gina, your post is so inspiring! I'm terribly sorry for linking your post wrong on my blog-I fixed it this morning. I feel very much the same way you described about the word lacuna; maternal, enveloping, primal, and a sense of comfort. Your pictures (especially the kid ones) are always so beautiful and well fitted to our little word play. Thank you for playing this week and please don't feel the need to apologize for a little lateness-I am ALWAYS late! By the way, Cathy C at Musings in Mayhem is the new hostess (she let me cut in line since Maria at Simply Cool Stuff had already chosen her). Have a great week!

  2. Lovely stages photographs! Lacuna is an essential indeed.

  3. Oh, I miss weekword, but this one was too difficult to me ;) You handled it well!
