Friday, November 19, 2010

Week Word- Rock

A few from the collection - stripes, triangles, hearts, etc. and some from my wanderings...

Check out some more interpretations of Week word at simplycoolstuff .


  1. your ROCK collection is certainly eclectic! I love the peace symbol... and of course, I love the heart-shaped rocks & triangle rocks... It's good to have you back with WeekWord....
    Rock ON!

  2. I want that Bee rock!

    Lovely pictures and a great collection - thanks for sharing.

  3. That rock solid peace sign is awesome. How cool it would be to come upon that somewhere in a garden! Heart Rocks are Forever...I love them too! (They don't break.)

  4. The peace sign was on a sidewalk in Woodstock, NY :)

  5. Gorgeous pictures of your collection and I'm really in love with the Woodstock, NY peace sign-seems pretty well suited for the place :) I do think the bee rock is super cool, but my husband and I are actually totally in love with your picture from your header-are those onions?

  6. Hi Biomouse :) Thank you. The peace rocks have some sort of computer chips/cards incorporated. I thought it was an interesting re-use of them. The header is a photo of the green onions in my garden, yes! I grow them for my bees... I guess the sulphur compounds in the pollen/nectar have antibiotic/medicinal effects on a colony. So I am growing more next year along side the garlic :) --- I love the wispy heads on the scape buds. They remind me of Brian Froud's goblin's hats. He was the artist/vision behind the characters in the movie Labyrinth, you know? He has a Faerie , Goblin and a "Pressed" Faerie book too. Random thoughts. Thanks for visiting!

  7. This is such a great collection of rocks. I love the triangles, they are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Your collection is so extensive! Hearts and triangles make lovely companions. Thank you for sharing.
