Friday, April 23, 2010

7 things

I've been tagged to list 7 random things about me... but I don't have 7 blogging people to tag back. Let me guess, 7 years bad luck?

1. I don't know how to cut my hair, but I do anyway.
2. I have several gardens and never turn free plants/seeds down.
3. I love the woods, tents, tree houses and forts made of all sorts of things.
4. I RRR, compost and unplug whenever I can but I'm really bad at not loving long showers.
5. My favorite color by itself is blue, like the color blue on that small patch of a female Mallard's wing.
6. Better organization and time management are my New Year's Resolutions..... every year.
7. I want to be a honeybee advocate.