Thursday, April 29, 2010

on a walk and around the neighborhood and yard with little boy and camera in tow

Here there be owl pellets!

hyper-focused on peeling bark

With all the wind, this Robin's nest came down... :( The egg shown didn't make it. With Mother Robin not in sight, my husband brought the cold little eggs to me so I filled up some plastic bottles with hot water for them to snuggle with and I misted them with warm water. Keeping them warm is not easy. Especially when they have to be damp too. One is trying so hard to hatch today. I hope it lives. I know its not legal to keep them so I have to find out who can take them if they hatch. I love the color of these eggs.

Noah's dirt mound

This tractor has been here for a week or so...
Noah wants to go outside to visit it everyday


  1. ohh I hope the robins make it. Sometimes the mom comes back. Try putting the nest in a hanging basket, we did that once and the mom came back. I think she rather liked it. Robins are beautiful and to me they seem all knowing like they are the oldest of the birds I don't know why they just seem mature maybe like the Owl of smaller birds, but they are not great architects.
    There are so many wonderful barns around you.
    Owen still is in awe of tractors and cones, he loves cones!!! hOpe you are having a great weekend !!!

  2. The nest was across the street in our neighbor's yard ( a vacation home). I feel badly that we may have done more harm than good. I would definitely try to put them back in the nest, but the landscapers came to mow about 5 minutes after I took the photo of it. It was either mowed over or they took it away :( Their lawn is pristine and mowed every week. That must have been a great feeling when you saw the mother robin come back to her nest.
    I read that the eggs are supposed to be kept at 98 degrees. They were so cold to the touch. The one I thought was trying to hatch was slightly cracked when he found it. It cracked more (not from being damaged) so I figured it was hatching. I also read that the complete hatching time is about 24 hrs. Its been a lot more than that :( So I think a combo of being exposed to the cold and us trying to save them may have sealed their fate. We tried... I'm not sure the guy with the big, fast, loud riding lawnmower would have tried.... but maybe.

  3. you did the best. I think we come upon these things for a reason, so we can help out, or try to. They had more of a chance with you than the lawnmower guy(: Nature constantly breaks and mends our hearts(:
    I once "saved" a baby Robin from the side of the road. She lived with me for eleven days and then she suddnely died. I'd do it all again just to give her a chance. They were an amazing eleven days.
